Friday, March 4, 2016

Authority in the Spirit for Spiritual Warfare

I take authority over every satanic and demonic force, according to Your promise in the Word, that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, I bind the works of darkness, in the name of Jesus. I render them dismised, defeated, and destroyed, in Jesus' name. I join forces with you in the spirit to unseat every principality, every power, and every ruler of darkness assigned by Hell, presently seated in a high place over your life. I use the sword of the Lord to execute and terminate every demonic spirit and satanic force oppressing you, in the name of Jesus. I slay every demon and cancel their assignment over your life, in the name of Jesus. I call forth the fire of God to rain down upon every demonic agent sent from hell to frustrate the purpose of God for your Life. I declare victory over You and your family!

Miriam Jacob